Sunday, April 9, 2017

Homesick For Another World.

Homesick for Another World is a collection of fourteen short stories from Ottessa Moshfegh who wrote Eileen which was my favourite book of 2016.
I loved Eileen so much that I ordered this book as soon as it came out and although it wasn't quite as good as Eileen I wasn't at all disappointed.

The stories aren't connected and don't overlap with each other in any way but many of them are about people who are disillusioned with their lives or people who are actively seeking a different sort of life for themselves.
Homesick for Another World isn't a light hearted book. Just like Eileen it's rather depressing, dealing with people who are living on the edge of society or who are in either desperate or simple dreary situations and, as in Eileen, there are plenty of lurid descriptions of things that range from unpleasant to repulsive.

However, I am so much in awe of the way that Ottessa Moshfegh writes. I've never encountered an author who describes horrible things so aptly and the way that she creates a sense of foreboding and suspense is truly eerie. I was so caught up in some of the tales in this collection that I could almost feel the filth and dirt and smell the noxious odours that she describes.

This isn't an upbeat or easy book to read but the writing is unique and it's a powerful book that I found myself drawn into more and more with each tale. If you like stories that are a little dark and twisted I am sure that you will love this volume.


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