Thursday, June 23, 2016

The Pier Falls.

I don't often read volumes of short stories and I have to admit that they are not one of my favourite genres of writing, so often they fail to draw me in and connect with the characters because of their length. But I have read all three of Mark Haddon's previous adult books and enjoyed them thoroughly - he is a skilled narrator and his stories are always somewhat unusual. With this in mind I picked up The Pier Falls, a volume of nine short stories, which I found myself enjoying as much, if not even more, than his full length novels. 

The nine tales in this volume are totally unconnected yet they are all oddly disturbing. They range in settings from an island in Ancient Greece to a distant space station in the future. (My personal favourite story in the book was Wodwo).  These tales are entertaining but they aren't an easy read as they are unsettling, even a little menacing, in their tone and content. (The Island  even gave me bad dreams...) 
Don't be put off though as each one is a perfectly crafted masterpiece. If like me you are an unbeliever in short stories do pick this up. It changed my mind and I am sure it will yours!


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