Meeting the English tells the story of Struan Robertson, an orphaned and unworldly Scot who spends his gap year in London caring for Phillip Prys, a famous playwright who has been paralyzed by a stroke. Set in 1989 this book received outstanding reviews in England and is the first novel by the Scottish poet Kate Clanchy.
Sad to say I really did not enjoy this book. It failed to resonate with me and I just could not connect to it or it's characters.
It's not a long book but it took me over a week to get through it - I really should have abandoned it. I did think that I would be able to polish it off quickly but I would read a page or two and set it aside... I did wonder if this was because I had hit a wall with my reading or because I have read such great books recently but, ultimately I think that it just wasn't my kind of book.
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