Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Good Reads Reading Challenge 2015.

I consider myself to be 'a reader' but at the end of last year I was surprised to find that I had read less than I thought. 
I subscribe to Goodreads and receive their news letters, so when I saw they had a yearly reading challenge I decided to sign up for it as a way of monitoring and keeping a record of what I read.

Initially I decided to read 50 books but then upped it to 52, figuring that a book a week wasn't too much of a stretch and it seemed more logical ( to me anyway!)
I wanted to set a challenge that wasn't too challenging - too many books and I may find myself choosing shorter or easier books just to meet my quota - but I wanted something that would make me put the Candy Crush down and do something a little more cerebral!

Halfway through the year, I'm ahead of schedule. I've read 31 books so far - that's 60% of my total and I'm 7 books ahead of schedule according to Goodreads. (The nerdy part of me just loves that they give you these breakdowns!)

So far I'm really happy with my progress. I've definitely made more of an effort to read rather than, say, watching TV or messing around online. I'm keeping on top of my 'want to read' list and I haven't deviated from the type of books that I usually read. There's a good mix of light reading, essays and biographies, and I've taken to reading psychological thrillers which is a new genre for me.

 As usual there have been a few things that I started and couldn't get into that got cast aside and aren't pictured above. Equally, there are a couple of books pictured that I should have cast aside!
I'm going to continue with the Challenge until the end of the year and plan to do another next year. I'll check in with a final report at the end of the year - I'm pretty confident I will complete 52 books.

Wish me luck!

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